Alice Kipp?s
            diary (Some History of Kemah circa 1874 - 1875) from Karen
            Webb Granddaughter of John "Lee" Kipp We will add
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Alice Kipp?s  Record


Proudly Presents
12 Year Old
Alice Kipp's
Diary of 1874-1875 

Kemah/Galveston County.
The Diary Comes to us from
Karen Thompson Webb
"My mother is Grace Kipp Thompson.
Her father is John Lee Kipp.
His father is John Henry Kipp, Jr.
His father is  John Henry Kipp, Sr.,
Alice's half brother.
John Henry Kipp, Sr. husband of
Mary Elizabeth Justice Kipp,
Alice's half sister."
(Kipp Ave. in Kemah is named for founder)
We will add  an entry here every week day.

"I am back at home and wanted to let you know that Charlcye finally brought me a copy of the transcript of Alice Kipp?s diary. I am going to send it a page at a time beginning with the note that Elizabeth Inman included when she sent it to Charlcye. Elizabeth is no longer with us. I do not agree with her that there is not a lot of information in the portions of the diary she was able to make out and this kid Alice was really a character. Elizabeth mentions having a picture of Alice. I wonder who has it now. 
I am re-typing it because it was done on a manual typewriter a long time ago and some of it is out of order and she tells you it is. I am doing it just as Elizabeth did. She makes comments in it. I will make comments after each entry that needs explanation or I feel like commenting on. My comments will be in bold print. Delete my comments when printing it, if you want to. Spooky! I just noticed I am sending this almost on April 2, 2006."
Elizabeth Inman?s note:
                                                                                                April 2, 1980
Dear Charlcye,
I am sending you the copy I made of the Diary, the original is much too dim to be Xeroxed. Please return it when you are finished, it is the only copy I made.
The spelling, punctuation, capital letters and expressions are just as she wrote. She seemed fond of capital letters. Actually there is not too much information in it but I found it interesting. I have her picture, very pretty. 
I lot my beloved husband on Jan 28th and am just now trying to pick up the pieces of my life. We were married for 48 1/2 years and his going has left me desolate. From supper time until bedtime seems a week long so try to write letters then.
Another thing, the Mr. Palmer she speaks of was a man her Mother had to hire to run the farm. Old Abraham was too trifling lazy. The blank spaces were so smeared we could not make out the words.
Good luck and let me hear from you,
                                                                                    Elizabeth Inman


December 3rd 1874
Pa gave me this book. he said that he had no use for it. Mr Cole rowed us home this evening. Laura was running down the men for drinking. Mr C steritly denied it. We had a very bad Arimetic Lesson. I was afraid he would keep us in. Pa has gone to Bed. He never Sets up late. Jennie is still staying with Laura.
Pa is Abraham Kipp and he had turned 68 the previous February. Laura is Laura Justice who is Alice?s half-sister. Laura would turn 20 on Dec. 11. Jennie is Jane her full sister and she is 16. Alice is just turning 12 in Dec, around the 10th . She mentions Jennie and Jane in the diary and I can?t find another Jane so I think Jennie and Jane are the same person. I think there is another Laura. Stephen Justice?s brother, Eli, was the guardian of some of the Manadue children. They lived in Brazoria County.
Alice Kipp
This is the daughter of John Henry Kipp, Sr. and Mary Ophelia   Kipp. Alice's niece refers to her as May in the diary. She was 2 when Alice began the diary. She died Oct 24, 1891. This picture is the one that hangs in the Cedar Bayou Masonic Lodge.
Karen Webb


December 4, 1874     
Saturday and Freedom Reigns among the school girl trains (brains). Pa has not got up yet. Jennie is coming home today. it is nearly Daylight. O dear I wish I had a paper to read. Oh yes now I come to think of it I must go and help---
every Body hates me and I hate myself. I have got one of the meanest Lazyest that human ever had and Jane is the Lazyest girl ever saw. She don?t do a single thing But Eat Sleep gab and go ------- wont even make up her own Bed But leaves for me to do.
These two entries are days apart and I think they couldn?t read the date. The paper she is talking about it the Ledger, a newspaper. She mentions it a lot. I can?t find a record of the Ledger anyone down there who can find out would be appreciated. 
Karen Webb

December 26th, 1874
I have got the Blues so Bad today, Mr Cole is here now. he came this evening. Mr Palmer had made a new Fiddle. Jennie has Been gone nearly a week. It will be a week tomorrow. Mr. Platzer has taken his Boat and I have to walk to school. I can only go when it is dry. I have Been making Quilt pieces all day.
Mother recalls PaPa mentioning the Platzers and there was a Platzer?s shipyard.
I am not sure how far she had to walk. Maybe I can get a map of the area.

Karen Webb
Old Kemah School
John Henry Kipp, Sr started the school for his grandchildren. Of course the tallest girl is the teacher and I was told her name was Bradford, but I am not sure who. I guess we could check the census and see who lists teacher as their profession. 
    The girl next to the teacher is Mary Ella Kipp, the boy next to the teacher is Henry Willis Kipp. In front of Henry is Alice Leota Kipp and next to Henry is Norah Elva Kipp (Elvie) and next to her in the back is Amanda Rosanda Kipp and next to her is John Lee Kipp (Lee) my grandfather.
   These children's father is mentioned in the diary.
Karen Webb
December 30th, 1874
Mama has got in one of her rages against me and I dont give a cent what she says. Plague take it. Florence is the meanest Little imp that was ever created. She thinks that I must be her slave and ___________ before I will obey her, She is only six years old and perfectly spoilt. I wanted to clean up the house. It ____is as dirty as a pig pen. Florence has got about half dozen dolls and about as many more rag dolls and just scattered them all over the house and then she Squals when I go and pick them up. Strangers coming. Lay all the Blame on me and Florence litters up the house as fast as I Clean it up. I have no heart to Clean it up. Plague take my Dreadful temper. Mama got it started this morning. I dont see what I was made for though I suppose it was to Be a torment to myself and everybody else. Mamma has often wished I was dead. I almost wish so myself if I have got a horrible temper I inherited it From her She would Find.
Elizabeth uses blanks and dashes for what she can?t read. Alice certainly wasn?t the last Kipp with a problem temper.
Karen Webb
December 31th , 1874 A D

I dont know I was going to say when I was interrupted But I suppose it dont Matter anyway. O dear havent Been to school in so long that I am afraid to go. All the children will Be ahead of me and we have to write compositions too now. O dear O dear I dont know what I shall do. I am getting dreadfully Behind in my Arith matice. I dont know what to do. Well I suppose I?ll have to do the Best I can. Mr Palmer has made a new invention. A sort of a harp and a sort of a Fiddle I dont know what. We had peas for dinner today. Do you know tomorrow is New Years. Today is the last of 1874. Mamma?s birthday comes one day after tomorrow. It comes one day after new Years. Jennie has not come home yet. I expect she will be home by the Six of January at least. Mr Cole was here yesterday evening. he misses Jennie I know. I have heard lately of a war. (half page smeared)
Elizabeth Inman (EI from now on.) thought Abraham was lazy, but Mr. Palmer the hired help seems to have a problem as well. Mamma turned 46 in 1874.  I need to check the census to see how old Mr. Cole was because Jennie is 16.
What war? Anyone know?
Karen Webb
January 3d, 1875
it is raining as usual. Rain, Rain, Rain just a perpetual Rain. no chance for Jennie to get home. Laura was here yesterday. I havent had a Ledger (Newspaper) in so long. I do wish I had one. do you Know of course you dont. I have commenced to (2) new Quilts. One is called a Basket quilt. the other is called a Nine patch Wheel. The way I am making it is to make five Little Wheels and four plain squares and then Sew them together like a nine patch. I am practicing to draw pictures. O dear I believe I?ll stop goodbye.
Half past one oclock, Brother Henry is here. I believe I?ll go up and see Laura. I have not got a Letter from Rosa in so long I am afraid she has forgottenme.

Night ? Florence is Squaling, O dear O dear what a horrid creature I am. everybody hates me but nobody hates me as I hate myself. I guess the reason is because I am so ugly nobody (thinks) I am pretty. Mr. Palmer and I dont believe he knows what beauty is. I am so ugly in temper too. now here is an exact description of me. With Light Blue eyes, a Freckled Complexion and my hair, well I dont know what you would call it. it is a kind of Light Brown to yellow. Molassas candy as Ma calls it. good night.
She does some great descriptions of that nine patch later. I may make one. Brother Henry is our great great grandfather, John Henry Kipp, Sr, the founder of Kemah, Tex. Rosa is her half sister, Sarah Rosanda Justice Baggett and she explains it later.
Jan 5th 1875 AD
We had the first ice today that we had this winter. it was only a thin sheet over the wash pan. it rained some today. O dear when will Jennie get home and O when will we go to school again. All the Scholars will get ahead of me. O well I guess I?ll have to do the Best I can. ___________ I think England ought to be ashamed of herself. She so rich and Powerful should let the United States Beat as our country is so poor. I am glad that we are free and I hope the people will maintain it. And I am glad we are not ruled by petty Tyrants and as God has made our country free ought we not to praise him for giving us freedom and teaching us to be Christians. see how our little nation multiplied. look at the great cities scattered all over the Union. But, alas, I cannot to my sorrow, love him although I try to do right. I am hasty tempered and afraid I use angry (?) words sometimes such as Plague take it confound it and soforth. Mr Palmer made a Harp and strung it up on second of this month. he is making a new fiddle too. Pa cut three Bananas this Evening.

Social studies lesson combined with theology a bit. She seems a very progressive little girl for the times. I understand plague take it.
Karen Webb                                                                                     
Jan 6th 1875
Brother H here now. Since Jennie has gone he comes down almost every day. he wants to see what we are doing. he pretends to support us. Jennie has not come home yet. I dont know what we shall do. I think we are bad off if he has to watch us. it all came about a negro Ma says she is under obligation to him. well if she is I am sure she has paid forit. he got sick she nursed him fed him and finally had him brought down here and gave him a Bed for a month. Jennie first objected to his presence (?) here. What has seprated our families. Brother Henry Sis?s from ours. I rather liked him at first But after that I am getting so I despised him. if Mamma was to see this she would want to tear me to pieces I am sure I dont care.
I am not sure whether she is talking of despising the Negro man or Brother Henry. Sis is Henry?s wife who is also Alice?s step sister, Mary Elizabeth Justice Kipp.
Karen Webb

January 7th 1875 A D

I have been sewing quilt pieces and am cross of course. you know what a horrible temper I have got so I am always in hot water plague take the luck. This is a wet drizzly morning. Pa has followed tracks and hopes to try and kill whatever it is that is killing them. (don?t know if she means chickens or sheep) Jennie hasnt got back yet. we havent had any ice only a little tiny sheet over the wash pan. Ma says I ought to write with a pen and ink so I thought I would as I have nothing more to say just now.
Night, it is 9 oclock and Pa has not gone to bed yet. he is generally in bed asleep Before seven oclock. Mr Palmer is reading Ma Brought (?) some potatoes. I have been reading too. I heard Brother Henry talking about setting up a Three hundred dollar way for to haul out ships and setting up a Blacksmith and Galvanizers shop. and Mr J Ross of Galveston, Merchant, is going to set up a Brick yard and I heard something about a new Railroad what was to be built across Clear Creek and so you see or little Clear Creek will be quite an important place. who knows But what we may someday have a flourishing Village that?s if all this comes about and Clear Creek Village will be quite a nice name for it if it ever is one for there isnt many (homes) scattered about the shores. I suppose I?ll stop now.

25 minutes to 12 oclock ? One of Mr Burns Boys are up here. they come to get Brother Henry to make a coffin for their little sister who is dead.  
There is a gap in here and probably she can?t read it. All the things in ( ) are from EI. This kid doesn?t miss much. If anyone who has the right links can find out about the Burns family on a census to see what age this child was. I may go down to our new geneology library when I finish this a check. I haven?t been there yet. 
Karen Webb

Jan 14th 1875 A D
Mr Burns?s folks has not buried their child yet. They were to have buried it today but did not. Brother Henry had to go down (to Galveston?) on the train to get a shroud for it and they are so poor that they didnt have money to pay forit. Brother Henry had walk over the depot a good five miles and prairie was perfectly wet and had to borry the money to pay the way down and back and to get the shroud too. They are to Bury it in our Graveyard. they will have to bring it up on a cart for four miles. Laura went down last night and set up all night and she is to stay all night tonight too. Sis was left all alone with no Body but her little Children May John and Ida so I went up and stayed all night with her and nursed Ida who is only four months old yesterday. Brother Henry is all swelled (?) up. They sent for him to make a coffin and go after Mr Burns who wasnt at home. Brother Henry came home this evening.
I can?t even imagine how difficult this was in 1875. I need to try to find out where they lived and what graveyard she is referring to. Sis?s children are Mary, but they may have called her May or Alice may just have left out the ?r?. John is John Henry Kipp, Jr., our great grandfather, Papa?s daddy and Ida is the one who ended up with her own sanitarium in California. There is a picture of Mary at the Masonic Lodge in Cedar Bayou. I have a copy. I don?t know if she is saying Henry was proud of himself or just sick.
Karen Webb
Jan 15th 1875
I suppose those folks will bury that child today. Mr Palmer is making two more fiddles and I expect he will litter the house all up. O dear I dont know what I shall do
20 minutes after one oclock, same day ? Well the funeral is over at last and do you know the little child looked so life like it looked almost natural I almost believed it was not dead but of course I am nothing but a little ignorant goose. Well good evening for the present.
I wonder what happened to the little girl. It is a good thing it is January because keeping a body wouldn?t be easy down there when it is warmer. I just realized I have made a mistake in relationships. Laura, Rosa and Sis are Alice?s half-sisters and John Henry or Brother Henry was her half brother. Henry was Abraham?s by a previous marriage and Laura, Sis and Rosa are from her mother?s first marriage. 

Karen Webb
In her diary, Alice says that Florence is the meanest little imp anywhere. There was only one other Florence and she died in 1912 at the age of 6, this girl is obviously older than six.  
  I have the oringinal of this. On the back Aunt Bill printed that this is Paw's aunt and on the front it says Florence Kipp. She was really Paw's great Aunt.
Karen Webb
Jan 17th
Mr Coffey Brought the Steal Arrow up last night and I expect has got the ledgers too. he went away last (night). he just stopped long enough to bring the ______ ashore up at Sis?s and I do hope he brought up the Ledgers. We ought to have two at least and I think three. There is a french family moved up the lake. Laura was here yesterday and gave us some apples which she got at Mr Burns. he got a barrel of speckled ones for fourty cts. She stayed down there two or three days.
Wait until you see what the Steal Arrow is. Remember the ledgers are newspapers.
Karen Webb
January 18th 1875 A D
O dear I have got to go and wash the dishes just as I got the dates wrote down I had to stop to wash up the dishes. O dear today is Monday and so I?ll have to get to sewing Quilt pieces. goodbye. Jennie has not come home yet and I havent got a letter from Rosa in nearly a month. O dear I am afraid she has forgotten me. She wrote to Jennie not long ago but Jane is over to the Burn?s now. I poped some pop corn and sent some up to John and May.
Jennie and Jane are the same person. John and May are Henry and Sis?s kids. John Henry Kipp, Jr is 4 and May or Mary Ophelia is 2.

Karen Webb

January 19th 1875
Mr. P is making a fiddle out of cedar. I think I?ll attempt to make one too. he thinks I cant and I think I can if I try. I have found a Cedar Block and am going to try it. Jane has not got home yet and dont seem likely to come.

Karen Webb January 20th 1875 AD
O dear I am so nervous and have not been to school in so long all the Scholars will be ahead of me. Carrie will catch up with me. Mr Cole hasnt been down here in so long till I cant find out nothing about school.
Karen Webb
January 21th 1875 AD
Had a watermelon today. it is quite late for watermelons now.

aren Webb

Jan 23th 1875 AD
Brother Henry is here now. Mr Palmer has made a new fiddle. he does nothing But Saw Saw Saw. O mercy how it has rained. the gully just roars. Brother Henry said the water on the prarie was half a knee deep.

Karen Webb

Jan 25th 1875 AD
Fonnie (?) and I paddled around nearly all day yesterday in the water holes sailing boats. some that I made then in the evening Ma propoded we should go up to Sis?s so we did. and O yes I forgot to tell you that the sun shined out yesterday. an unusual thing for it has been Cloudy for about a week I think. We had a very nice walk up there in the sun shine. Mr Palmer has got in here with his backers (?) and spits.        
 Fonnie is Florence, the imp, and they sailed their toy boats in the puddles. ?backers? may be tobacco.
Karen Webb

Jan 26th 1875 AD
Mr Palmer is the laziest man I know. he does nothing much but set by the fire and play fiddles or make them and read our ledger. Confound him.
  Karen Webb

Jane Kipp Bradford
Alice Kipp's sister Jane
I got this from my sister-in-law today. Jane is the full sister of Alice Kipp, the writer of the diary. She is the half-sister of John Henry Kipp, Sr and also of Mary Elizabeth Justice Kipp, the parents of John Henry, Jr.   
Karen Thompson Webb

January 28th
I have been making quilt pieces today. I commenced that quilt a few days before new years. At first I only made two Blocks a day. You know as I told you they are made by sewing six three cornered pieces together in the shape of a wheel then putting four 3 cornered pieces on around so as to make it square and then taking five of these and four plain squares and sewing them together in a large square. At first I only made two of these large blocks a day and then three and then four and finally I made five. it is a big days work. Mr Palmer is making a guitar. Oh dear I guess I?ll give you a description of Ma?s house. Well you know we live on the Bayshore I guess about a hundred yds from the northwestern coast of Galveston Bay. The houses comprise three separate (in) number. the one we live in has four rooms, the sitting room, dining room and bed rooms. Ma?s bed stands in the sitting room. Jane?s and mine are in the corner of the dining room. Mr. P is in the old school house which is north west of the house we live in. That is all our family at present. Then the one we call the other house is exactly north of the one we live in. Well as I said there are about a hundred yards from the Bay. there is a hollow between the houses and the Bay about twenty feet deep and the house we call the other house stands exactly on the edge of the hollow. then the one we live in ? I call it the Big house- is about 30 steps south of the other house. Then the one we call the school house is just west of the other house. the house we live in fronts on the Bay but the other one dont. There is an old elm tree it is a giant right in front of the Bay house and there is a sort of olive shaped border around it. You know the hollow I mentioned. it slopes down and then up even with the other side. then it goes (straight) along for about ten feet and slopes slantingly down into the Bay. the fence poses (?) along on the other side of the hollow and then runs along just where it commences the slope then down into the Bay and from the fence down there is a strech that makes a beach. Oh mercy I am tired out.
If anyone can figure out the layout, let me know.
Karen Webb
Jan 29th 1875
Well Mr Palmer has gone to Galveston City to sell his fiddles. he took a corn sack full of them. he went down on Mr Harmon Platzer?s Boat. She is a Schooner called the Lady of the Lake. Brother Henry?s Schooner is called the Steal Arrow. Capt. Dan Felder?s is called the Lizzie and Spurge Felder?s sloop is called the Eclypse. We had a little Sloop once the first boat Brother Henry ever built called the Rosabell after Rosa and Bell Nelson. Rosa?s full name is Rosanna and Bell is Isabell. I think but dont know. And I forgot to mention that Brother Henry is a carpenter. We had Birds, Irish potatoes and Sweet potatoes and biscuits if that is the way to spell them. it is twenty five minutes after twelve oclock and I havent made but two quilt pieces. Well the sun is shining a thing that is not often nowdays. well goodbye for the present.
I had often wondered if we would ever know the names of ships John Henry Kipp, Sr built. I am not sure whether Alice spelt Steal correctly. His first boat was the Rosabell. I can do a lot of research if I get back down there.
Karen Webb
Jan 30th
O dear I have been setting out strawberrys and Irish potatoes and raking manure all day and I havent sewed a bit.
Karen Webb

Karen Thompson Webb
My mother is Grace Kipp Thompson. Her father is John Lee Kipp. His father is John Henry Kipp, Jr. His father is John Henry Kipp, Sr. who was Alice's half-brother. John Henry Kipp, Sr. the husband of Mary Elizabeth Justice Kipp who was Alice's half-sister. John Henry, Sr is the Henry Alice talks about in the diary. His mother was Jane Kipp, Abraham's 3rd wife. Mary Elizabeth is referred to as Sis by Alice and I think she says that Henry calls her Molly, but I am not sure. Sis is the daughter of Stephen Justice, Elizabeth Scobey Justice Kipp's first husband.
  If you don't know Elizabeth Scobey Justice Kipp's father, Robert Scobey, is one of Austin's 300 as is either Stephen or his father. Elizabeth Scobey Justice Kipp's mother was Mary Fulshear the daughter of Churchill Fulshear another member of Austin's 300 and the founder of Fulshear, Texas.
   All of this is why I have a problem with the little play done at the meeting (Kemah Historical Society) my mother went to. There is a lot of history she left out and it isn't hard to research. Here is an interesting bit about Churchill Fulshear from a book called "The first colony of Texas." Noah Smithwick is quoted as referring to Churchill as an "old seaman as homely and lame, but noted for his generosity." I wonder how homely. I would love to see a picture of him. Here is the entire piece;
    The First Colony fo Texas, Austin's Old Three Hundred, by Descendants,1941.
 "The 1800 Census of Craven County, North Carolina lists Church Fulshear as a single man, but he entered into a marriage bond with Betsy Summers of Craven County in New Bern, North Carolina, Dec 9, 1800. 
  In the fall of 1823, the Fulshear family and a weatherbeaten band of homeseekers from Tennessee, made their way into Texas to join Stephen F. Austin's first seed colony in Coahuila y Tejas, Mexico. When they reached the lower Brazos River they made their way upstream to the cabin fo William Moreton where Richmond stands today.
 Preserved in Fort Bend County, is a faded Mexican Land Grant made out to Churchill Fulshear, the elder, and dated July 16, 1824.
  The Census of March 1826 listed Fulshear as a farmer and stockraiser, aged over 50, and his wife aged 40 to 50. Noah Smithwick was a visitor in the Fulshear home in 1827 and described the old seaman as homely and lame, but noted for his generosity. He was elected Regidor in 1830 and as such served on a committee to check the merits of land grantees in the Austin Colony. His succession papers state that he died January 18, 1831. No mention is made of his wife, so it is presumed she died between  the 1826 Census and his death in 1831. It lists his children as (1) Churchill Fulshear, Jr. (2) Mary L. Fulshear Scobey-married to Robert Scobey, another Old 300 settler (3) Benjamin Fulshear and (4) Graves Fulshear.
   Several sources state that he was a mariner and a man of considerable property. The only basis for this is from Noah Smithwick and the fact that he had a book in his possession, a book called 'The Navigator', when he died. His succession papers are very interesting, not only listing his holdings in Texas but also a west township lot that he kept in Monroe County, Illinois.  His inventory lists each horse by name and age, cattle, a gang of 34 big and little gentle hogs, lots of hogs running wild in the forest, cattle running along the Brazos bottom, wagons, log chains, blacksmith equipment, rifles, muskets, cooking utensils, beds, cloth, food, 29 books, including 'The Holy Bible', 'Memoirs of Gen. Jackson', 'Dilworth's arithmetic', 'Acts of Congress 1812', 'Sequel to the English Reader', S.F. Austin's pamplet, Christian Morals, 'Treatise for Raising Sheep', 'Dilworth Spelling Book, and his brand of CF.
  Also interesting is a list of notes due him from Thomas Barnett, John Brown, William Pettus, Godwin Cotton, Samuel Isaacs, Jesse Cartwright, just to name a few. The very last item was an account containing charges against his four children for articles furnished to them, with their prices.
With all of these papers and books, we believe Churchill Fulshear must have been quite a precise, educated business man.
 If you haven't seen a picture of Abraham and Elizabeth Kipp, Alice's parents, there is one in a booklet done by John Emmett (Dickie) Kipp's wife. Dickie's father is Olin who is one of my grandfather's twin brothers. John Henry Kipp, Jr had 7 sons and 5 daughters. I will send you a copy of the sons. Incidentally John Henry, Jr my great grandfather's wife's Norah Settle is the great granddaughter of Caroline Clemens Settle, Mark Twain's father's sister.
  We kind of have a lot of history on both sides of my grandfather's family.
Karen Thompson Webb

JARBO BAYOU. Jarbo Bayou rises two miles northeast of League City in northern Galveston County (at 29°31' N, 95°03' W) and flows northeast for two miles to its mouth on Clear Lake, just east of Clear Lake Shores and west of Kemah (at 29°33' N, 95°02' W). Some sources report that at an earlier time the bayou flowed for five miles. It traverses flat to rolling terrain, surfaced by dark, commonly calcareous clays that support mesquite, grasses, cacti, and some hardwoods and pines.
Source:The Handbook of Texas Online

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