In accordance with
Texas Open Meetings Act the agenda is posted for public information, at
all times, for at least 72 hours preceding the scheduled time of the
meeting on the bulletin board located on the front exterior wall of the
City Hall Building, except in case of emergency meetings or emergency
items posted in accordance with law. This facility is wheelchair
accessible and accessible parking spaces are available. Requests for
other accommodations or interpretive services must be made 48 hours
prior to this meeting. Please contact the City Secretary’s Office at
281.334.1611 or Fax 281.334.6583 for further information.
1. UNSCHEDULED VISITORS 2. CORRESPONDENCE 3. CONSENT OF AGENDA: a. MINUTES b. APPROVAL OF BILLS c. APPROVAL OF INVESTMENT AND CASH POSITION REPORT OLD BUSINESS: 4. Discussion and Possible Action - Status of Park Grant Application 5. Discussion and Possible Action - Status of Public Restrooms 6. Discussion and Possible Action - Request for Funds for Annual Blessing of the Fleet NEW BUSINESS: 7. None 8. COMMENTS BY KCDC BOARD MEMBERS 9. ADJOURNMENT Thanks, Kathy Pierce, City Secretary |