2012 Flag
New Year’s Day January 1
Martin Luther King Jr. Day OBSV.
January 16
Lincoln’s Birthday February 12
President’s Day (third Monday in February)
OBSV. February 20
Easter Sunday (variable) April 8
Mother’s Day (second Sunday in May) May 13
Peace Officer's Memorial Day
May 15
Armed Forces Day (third Saturday in
May) May 19
Memorial Day (half staff till noon,
the last Monday in May)
May 28
Flag Day
June 14
Army 237'th Birthday
June 14
Father's Day
June 17
Independence Day July 4
Korean War Armistice Veterans Day
July 27 (half staff)
Labor Day
September 3
Pledge of Allegiance to the
American Flag
pledge Allegiance to the flag
the United States of America
to the Republic for which it
nation under God, indivisible,
Liberty and Justice for all.
Pledge to the Texas Flag.
Honor the Texas flag; I
pledge allegiance to thee,
Texas, one state under God,
one and indivisible.
Patriot Day
September 11
Constitution Day
September 17
Gold Star Mother's Day
September 30
Columbus Day
October 8
Navy Day
October 27
National Election Day
November 6
Marine Corps Day
November 10
Veterans Day
November 11
Veterans Day (Observed)
November 12
Thanksgiving Day
November 22
Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day
December 7
Christmas Day
December 25
Fly your
Texas flag on
Texas Historic Dates
Independence Day
March 2nd
Fall of the Alamo
March 6th
Goliad Massacre
March 27th
San Jacinto Day
April 21st
Texian Navy Day
3rd Saturday in Sept.
Battle of Gonzales
October 2nd
Stephen F. Austin’s Birthday
Nov. 3rd.